Smosh Wiki

Tinder For Hot Dogs is the tenth episode of SmoshCast, hosted by Ian Hecox, Monica Vasandani and Shayne Topp. It was released on April 24, 2019 on podcast platforms and April 26, 2019 to the SmoshCast channel.

Video Description[]

Shayne and Smosh’s long-time Staff Writer Monica Vasandani join Ian on this week’s SmoshCast to talk about Jessy Taylor’s infamous Insta breakdown, that one time Ian got racially profiled, and the Smosh sketch Shayne REALLY wants to get green-lit.


2:52 — Why Monica Hates Ian

7:16 — Shayne's Stolen Tom Cruise Sketch

21:13 — Tinder For Hot Dogs

33:35 — Ian Gets Racially Profiled

42:50 — Being A Queer Woman of Color & Writing For Smosh

46:00 — Jessy Taylor's Insta Breakdown


  • The highlight clip of this episode was released on the SmoshCast channel on April 24, 2019.
  • It was announced that if the podcast version of this episode received 500 5-star reviews and the video version received 10K likes and 1K comments asking for Tinder For Hotdogs, Smosh would make the sketch "Tinder For Hot Dogs". The campaign succeeded, and the sketch of the same name was released on July 3, 2019.